• +254(0)796533586
  • Glorious Cross Ministries.
Where lay people work in communion with our mother church


There cannot be devotion to the glorious cross without a call to follow Jesus Christ. The actions that reveal Jean Baptiste are the fruits of his encounter with the Prince of peace. Through Him, he got the idea of gathering people around the glorious cross. Jean Baptiste is a father of a family with seven children, living in St. Vincent Pallotti Parish/ Gikondo in Kigali Archdiocese.


He started the Glorious Cross Ministries after leaving Franciscan OFM Postulancy at Nyinawimana / Byumba Diocese, in 1991. He was motivated by the voice he received challenging him to show people the best way to achieve peace. During that period, the country was facing a scaring situation where violence was rampant in almost all corners of Rwanda. He started his mission by gathering people around the cross and organizing peace processions in different areas in Rwanda. Then some people who witnessed him spreading the message of consolation, peace, unity and cohesion joined him and became his companions in his mission.


The ministry grew up and bore many fruits such as a Franciscan movement called Mission of the Glorious Cross of Saint Francis of Assisi, which is a family encompassing two religious institutions; Franciscan Brothers Disciples of the Glorious Cross and Franciscan Sisters Disciples of the Glorious Cross, and two lay institutions; Community Inshuti z’Umusaraba w’Ikuzo za Mt Fransisko w’Asizi and the Youth of the Glorious Cross of Saint Francis of Assisi.


Jean Baptiste Sengayire is in Kenya since April 2022 to share  to the people of East African Countries and beyond, his life long experience of more than 30 years in peace-building and promoting social cohesion among people. 